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Dr. Ashley Steinberg – Trouvaille Aesthetics & Plastic Surgery
6750 W Loop South, Ste 1060,
Bellaire, TX 77401
Transgender Safe Space and LGBTQ-friendly
Does your lower abdomen need just a little bit of extra help to look tight and toned? Have you already tried everything from extreme dieting and fasting to HIIT and spot training — and still made no progress?
Then a mini tummy tuck procedure in Houston may be right for you.
Dr Ashley Steinberg – Plastic Surgeon Houston
After attending universities in London and Windsor, Ontario, Canada, Dr. Steinberg completed two years of basic science classes in St. George’s, Grenada. She then graduated Magna cum Laude from SGU and matched in a general surgery residency in Brooklyn, New York, where she had the opportunity to work with two plastic surgeons while scrubbing in.
After transferring to the University of Nevada, School of Medicine, Dr. Steinberg gained valuable experience in plastic surgery while rotating with the esteemed Dr. William Zamboni.
She then pursued further education at the Houston Medical Center, where she spent three years training with some of the world’s most renowned plastic surgeons at Houston Methodist Hospital.
Dr. Ashley Steinberg has been recognized as a top doctor in Texas for three consecutive years and has performed over 1500 plastic surgery procedures.
A mini tummy tuck (mini abdominoplasty) is a small tummy tuck that requires one lower abdominal incision to remove loose, excess skin and sometimes fat. Conversely, full tummy tuck surgery (abdominoplasty) is a cosmetic procedure that removes excess fat and skin from both the upper and lower abdomen. This procedure typically requires two incisions.
Once you’ve had a consultation with your surgeon and have booked your mini tummy tuck, here is how the procedure itself is typically performed:
As the surgical procedure above details, loose skin is only removed from the lower portion of the abdomen with a mini tummy tuck. Therefore, if a patient presents with loose skin above the navel as well, this procedure may not be adequate. In this case, a traditional or full tummy tuck will likely be necessary.
Essentially, the main difference between full tummy tuck and a mini tummy tuck is that a full tummy tuck removes excess skin (and sometimes fat) from both the upper and lower abdomen. It also requires at least two incisions.
A mini tuck, on the other hand, removes skin and fat from beneath the belly button on the lower abdomen only. A mini tummy tuck requires only one incision.
Here are a few other differences between a mini tummy tuck and a full tummy tuck. Mini tummy tucks:
Most people seek a mini tummy tuck because they:
In order to be a good candidate for a Houston mini tummy tuck, patients must:
Abide by other guidelines outlined by their surgeon
The average recovery time for a mini tummy tuck is around four to six weeks. However, this will vary patient to patient.
Below, we’ve outlined the typical recovery timeline most mini tummy tuck patients can expect:
Days 1 – 3: You will have some soreness and swelling right after surgery. You will also be a bit groggy on day one because of the anesthesia.
You will be able to take pain medications to assist with pain and should generally take it easy and rest. You will have a postoperative appointment with your surgeon so that they can inspect your recovery progress.
If you had drains put in, these will be removed shortly after surgery. Follow all surgeon instructions.
Weeks 1 – 2: After the first few days of your recovery, you should be able to start walking around. Avoid strenuous and prolonged activity, but do get moving to promote circulation. You will still experience some swelling and discomfort. Continue to follow your surgeon’s instructions.
Week 3 and Beyond: Slowly, you will be able to return to more of your normal daily activities. Your surgeon may instruct you to begin massaging your incision site to encourage proper healing and a smooth scar.
Swelling may begin to go down around week four, and you’ll begin to see more of your results. Speak to your surgeon about returning to a regular exercise routine around six weeks after surgery.
You should be able to see the full results from your tiny tummy tuck in four to six months. Though, it can sometimes take longer for all swelling after mini tummy tuck surgery to go down.
You will have a scar after a mini tummy tuck. Fortunately, it should be low enough on the abdomen so that undergarments and bikini bottoms will fully cover it.
There are also steps patients can take after surgery to ensure their mini tummy tuck scars are as inconspicuous as possible. Improper postoperative scar care (not following your surgeon’s post-op care instructions) may result in thick, raised scars.
Mini tummy tuck costs vary depending on multiple factors, including the location of your surgery, your surgeon’s experience, the extent of your skin removal needs, and what type of anesthesia is used. Surgeon fees, anesthesiologist fees, surgical facility or hospital fees, and postoperative expenses all add up to create the ultimate price of mini tummy tuck surgery.
Many people make the mistake of thinking that a mini tummy tuck surgery will be cheap in comparison to a full tummy tuck. In reality, both procedures are extremely similar in the costs they necessitate. Therefore, the overall cost difference may be negligible.
So, what is the average cost of tummy tuck in Texas? The average mini tummy tuck cost Texas residents pay is around $6,000 to $8,000. However, this is, again, only an average range. You must meet with your prospective surgeon to get an accurate cost estimate.
What’s the difference between mini tummy tuck vs. liposuction?
A mini tummy tuck addresses excess skin on the lower abdomen (below the belly button). Liposuction addresses excess fat. Liposuction is often combined with tummy tuck surgery.
Is a mini tummy tuck painful?
The surgery itself is not painful as anesthesia is used to keep you comfortable. Post-surgery, you will have some swelling, soreness, and discomfort, but this will decrease with time. After your full recovery, you should not experience pain.
Is a mini tummy tuck worth it?
If you struggle with loose skin on your lower abdomen, discomfort, self-consciousness, chafing, hygiene issues, and other symptoms related to loose skin on your stomach, a mini tummy tuck can definitely be worth it to improve these circumstances.
Can I get a mini tummy tuck after C-section?
Yes. Women who’ve undergone C-sections can have mini tummy tuck surgery. It is, however, important that the patient’s C-section scar(s) be fully healed before considering additional surgery. Naturally, you will also require an evaluation by your surgeon before you are cleared for surgery.
Are you interested in getting a mini tummy tuck in Houston, Texas? Schedule a consultation appointment to speak with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Ashley Steinberg about your options.
Is it worth getting a mini tummy tuck?
If you have a small bulge below the navel that protrudes and you’re looking for a flatter, more toned tummy that looks great in fitted outfits and swimwear, a mini tummy tuck may be ideal for you. This less invasive procedure is often easier to recover from while still achieving the desired results.
How many sizes do you lose with a mini tummy tuck?
Typically, women experience a reduction of 2 to 3 pant sizes after a mini tummy tuck, although some may experience a greater decrease. For instance, if you had a significant amount of loose skin before the procedure, you could potentially drop down as many as 4 pant sizes.
Dr. Ashley Steinberg has helped countless patients boost their confidence and achieve their aesthetic goals with plastic surgery.
By booking your mini tummy tuck consultation appointment with Dr. Ashley Steinberg the best tummy tuck surgeon in Houston, Texas, you will be well on your way to a smoother, more contoured abdomen that you can feel good about.
Schedule your appointment today to discuss your options for surgery.