Many women have breast augmentation or breast reduction surgery every year. But there are times when some patients decide they want their breast implants removed. This is called breast implant removal.
There is a trend for women to have their breast implants removed. Below is more information about this trend and why it’s happening.
Why Women Remove Implants And Don’t Replace Them
Some women have issues with their implants after a few years so they begin to consider breast implant removal. Common reasons for breast implant removal surgery are:
- If the implants are placed improperly or are textured, there can be complications. Some less experienced plastic surgeons may have done the surgery improperly. This highlights the need to have a professional, board-certified surgeon do your procedure.
- Other complications occurred, such as capsular contracture, and they need to be removed and not replaced.
Even if the implants were placed correctly, there can be some complications that require breast implant removal:
- Capsular contracture
- Implant malposition
- Symmastia
- Implant rupture
- Implant rippling
When it comes to textured implants, these products often cause problems, so many women in 2021 may have them removed and not replaced. Textured implants are made to reduce movement between the implant and pocket. However, these implants can cause issues; any implant movement can lead to a deformity in the breast.
Clinical studies also suggest that patients with textured breast implants have a higher risk of some forms of cancer. Data indicates that the cancer risk with these implants could be as much as one in a thousand.
Removing Of The Entire Implants Or Just Part Of It
After you have breast augmentation surgery, scar tissue naturally forms around the breast implant. This reaction is normal, but complications occasionally arise.
If the capsule contracts and squeezes the implant, it must be removed, but the patient has three choices:
- Remove only the breast implants.
- Remove the implants and part of the capsule
- Remove the capsule and implants entirely
Your plastic surgeon could remove the entire capsule around the implant or just part of it. He or she may decide to take out the capsule because of the risk of cancer or capsule contracture.
Having Breast Lift Or Reduction After Implant Removal
If a woman wants to pursue breast implant removal so they have a smaller breast size, she may want a breast lift too. Some plastic surgeons recommend that you wait to have your breast lift after taking implants out.
The reason is that it’s harder to do a breast lift immediately after removing the implants. Many surgeons recommend waiting a year between implant removal and a breast lift. It’s understandable to want a breast lift immediately, but most surgeons recommend waiting.
Fat Transfer After Removing Breast Implants
Another trend with breast implant removal in 2021 involves fat transfer. This process removes fat by liposuction from one part of the body and injecting it into your breasts.
The fat can be taken from your stomach, sides, flanks, or back. Fat transfer into the breasts offers more volume and shape to the chest. It also can enhance your contours where the fat was taken out.
Also, fat transfer is your tissue, so there must be enough fat in the donor area for the procedure to be effective on the breasts.
This is a popular procedure because increasing the breast size with fat transfer has few side effects and risks. However, fat transfer will not provide an enhancement like implants, so speak to your plastic surgeon about the best procedure for you.
Breast Implant Removal Due To Pregnancy
If you get pregnant after breast augmentation, you might worry about how your implants could affect breastfeeding. The good news is it’s unlikely that your implants will affect nursing your baby, but you may decide you don’t want implants when you are pregnant. This is another reason women pursue breast implant removal surgery.
Keep in mind that your breast tissue will reduce in size once you stop nursing. This can lead to sagging and reduced volume. That’s why many women in 2021 choose a breast lift after their breasts shrink to their standard size.
Older Patients Opting For Breast Implant Removal
Women today are living longer and healthier lives. As they get older, so do their implants. Some plastic surgeons recommend having breast implants removed every 10 years or so. But you also may decide that implants are simply no longer the look you want.
As we age, it takes a longer time to recover and heal from surgeries. It makes sense to talk to your plastic surgeon about having the implants removed. After all, you may not want to deal with the potential risks of having breast implants in your older years.
New Methods For Removing Breast Implants
The last trend for breast implant removal in 2023 are new methods for removing implants which minimize scar tissue. Surgeons used to need to make lengthy incisions to take out breast implants. This technique isn’t needed anymore.
Today, there are more advanced ways to take out breast implants with a suction bottle or vacuum sleeve. This leads to less scar tissue in the long run.
The vacuum sleeve removes the entire breast implant and capsule in one step. This won’t work on every patient, but it’s the ideal option to minimize scar tissue. The most crucial factor is to take out the whole implant. If the implant has a capsule around it, it will be removed too.
Questions and Answers
How much does breast explant surgery cost?
As per the American Society of Plastic Surgeons, the average breast explant surgery cost is $3,049. Please note that this cost excludes anesthesia, operating room charges, medications, and additional related expenses.
Does insurance cover breast implant removal?
Does insurance cover breast implant removal? This is a common question. The majority of insurance providers do not extend coverage for cosmetic procedures, and some may even exclude complications arising from prior cosmetic interventions. Nevertheless, numerous companies recognize the medical necessity of breast implant removal for individuals facing conditions such as ruptured silicone gel breast implants.
What do breast explant surgery scars look like?
Breast explant surgery scars are akin to what we commonly refer to as a ‘typical scar,’ appearing flush with the skin. Like any scar, they initially exhibit redness and swelling but gradually evolve to a lighter hue, occasionally becoming slightly whiter than the surrounding skin over time.
What is Breast Implant Illness?
Breast Implant Illness (BII) is a perplexing condition that lacks comprehensive understanding but can cause significant debilitation. Its symptoms vary among individuals and may encompass fatigue, joint pain, memory and concentration issues, and other manifestations.
What happens to your body when you remove breast implants?
When you have breast implants, your skin stretches to accommodate their size. After the removal of implants, there may be a tendency for the breasts to sag, droop, or appear misshapen. It is common for individuals to opt for implant removal along with a breast lift (mastopexy) to address these concerns.
Is it a good idea to remove breast implants?
The removal of breast implants can enhance overall breast health. Over time, implants may give rise to complications, including breast pain, infection, and the hardening of breast tissue (capsular contracture).
Do breasts go back to normal after implant removal?
Certainly, but it depends on various factors and might necessitate additional procedures like a breast lift, breast augmentation with fat transfer, or the placement of new silicone implants. The implant removal process aims to restore your natural figure, bringing back your original breasts.
Request a Houston Breast Implant Removal Consultation
Interested in a Houston breast implant removal? Please set up a consultation with Dr. Ashley Steinberg today to learn about how surgeons remove breast implants in a minimally invasive way. She’ll talk to you about the benefits and risks of breast implant removal and determine if you’re an ideal candidate.
Breast Implant Removal Overview. (n.d.). Accessed at
What To Know About Breast Implant Removal. (n.d.). Accessed at